Webpage of Edouard Oyallon

I am EUnlike the common French name 'Édouard',
there is no accent on the 'E'.
douard Oyallon, a CNRS researcher in the team MLIA of Sorbonne University. Prior to it, you might have met me at Flatiron Institute (CCM), Ecole Polytechnique (DepMap), CentraleSupélec (Opis), INRIA Lille (SequeL, with Michal Valko), Ecole Normale Supérieure (DATA, with Stéphane Mallat) or even at ENS Cachan, campus de Ker Lann. My research interests used to lie in the foundations of machine learning techniques, examining both their applied and theoretical aspects, including the symmetries of deep neural networks. Currently, I am developing algorithms for large-scale distributed and decentralized training, utilizing asynchronous methods and increased parallelism to accelerate the training of larger neural networks.

Feel free to send me any emails to discuss my work at edouard[d.o.t]oyallon[a.t]cnrs[d.o.t]fr.
My Google Scholar.
My GitHub.
My CV.